Creating a beautiful flower arrangement, whether it be real or artificial, can be challenging. It requires the designer to always be thinking a few steps ahead, so that when it is complete, all of the pieces work in unison to create a beautiful display; one that looks like it was custom made and natural all at the same time. We had the pleasure of creating an artificial flower arrangement for a client not that long ago. Our client had one major requirement. The client wanted high-end flowers that looked real...and feathers. Below is how we created this arrangement and made her very happy. We went to the client's home to pick up the old arrangement. While there we had the opportunity to get to know her and her needs. We paid attention to the type of house she has, the room where the arrangement would go, colors in the room and size of the bay window where the arrangement would go. We asked questions of our client, like what colors/flowers she likes and how the scheduled renovations would alter the space. By asking many questions, we had a very good idea of what would and would not work for this installation. The arrangement was in disrepair at the time we took possession of it. We started by reconstructing what we could to determine the size of the original arrangement. These measurements became part of our criteria for purchasing product. Once we had all of the new flowers, a dry run was performed to be sure what we chose would work. Then, everything was dismantled in preparation for the final creation. The vase was cleaned and prepped. Knowing that the arrangement would be in a window, the flowers were sprayed with UV protector. Foam was placed inside the vase to add height to the arrangement. A curved piece of foam was placed on top. The curved foam made it easier when it was time to start adding the greenery and flowers. It gave us more surface area to work with and aided in creating the shape of the arrangement. All pieces of foam were glued together. The greenery was added. Close attention was paid to the length of the greenery at the time it was placed into the foam. Many types of greenery was used to give interest and depth. The flowers were added, starting with the large pieces that created the outline of the shape. Other flowers were then added to finish the arrangement and make it look full. Feathers were added too! Most everything that went into this arrangement was glued in with the exception of a few things, like the feathers. Knowing our client has a cat, we did not glue these in just in case the cat found them. Our client would be able to remove them with ease, keeping her cat and the arrangement safe. The arrangement was delivered to one very happy client! This was a great project for us! By getting to know our client, her likes/dislikes and the reason for wanting the arrangement redone we were able to use that information to create something that she absolutely loved, providing her with an experience that she would not have if she purchased a new arrangement from the store. We provided convenience by going to her home and picking up the old arrangement, then delivering her new arrangement when it was complete; we did this at the most convenient times for her, making her investment in time minimal. After getting to know her, we now call her friend!

Hi Breezy! How are you today?” “I am fine! I am all excited because we are going for a ride on the train today. I feel like jumping up and down like a Koala Bear. We are going to eat in the dining car. What time does the train leave the station?” “The conductor said 11 am. We better stay in line. I wonder what type of food they will be serving”. I heard the train has their very own catering company called “Devour Catering Company”. We heard the conductor yell, “All Aboard”. Then we boarded the train, found our seats in the dining car and enjoyed the beautiful decorations. There was white tulle draped across the ceiling with multicolored Easter eggs and pearls intertwined in it. Freezy the food is delicious. Waiter please tell the chef that the food is very good! Oh, here he comes! Can we take pictures of your staff with us for our Facebook page”? The pictures Came out great and we had a lot of fun. “Breezy the train is stopping so that the Colebrookdale Easter Parade can pass by. There’s the Victory Bank float! Hi Warren, hi Bill, hi Mr. Major, hi Mr. Graver. Their float looks terrific covered in all that fake money. There is the Easter Bunny. I wonder how he is carrying all those eggs in that large basket. The flower shops float looks beautiful with all the Easter Lilly’s on it. Did you see the Ufinancial float with the hugh U on it. There goes the Keller Williams float with a For Sale sign next to a house. Oh, I hear the train whistle! The train is starting to move again.” “Freezy, here comes the Easter Bunny with a basket full of chocolate eggs. Yummmy”! “Freezy did you know that there was a documentary made about the Colebrookdale Railroad. The steward said that all of the volunteers dressed up in period costumes. The ladies wore long dresses and hats. There is going to be an ad made too. They had a lot of fun”. “Breezy the train is pulling into the station. That was so fun”! Happy Easter!

Oh, we are so tired. We just got in from a long and busy day. We know it is no longer St. Patrick’s Day here, but it is in Seattle! So, we thought we would share our St. Patrick’s Day post anyway; a happy and belated leprechaun day to you. ************************************************************************************ “Breezy! Top o’ the mornin’ to you! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!” “The same to you Freezy. I see you are ready to go to the parade. You too are dressed in green. The color is flattering on you.” “Thank you. It goes so well with white. J We must be on our way or we will be late. The St. Patrick’s Day Parade starts in two hours and we need to find the shamrock float that we are going to ride on in the parade.” “OK! Let’s go. Where does the parade start and how long is it?” “The parade starts at Finnegan’s Place, meanders around town and ends at Easter Bonnet Avenue. Breezy, it’s a lovely day today. The sun is out and the air is crisp. It’s a little windy…hang on to your beret.” “It’s a good thing it is a crisp and windy day or we would have a meltdown and that wouldn’t be good. LOL. There’s the shamrock float, there it is! Well, hello leprechaun. How are you?” “I’m feeling good. It’s St. Patrick’s Day, the one day when I get to shine. How are you?” “Freezy and I are feeling green. It looks like the parade is going to start. Here we go! Look at all of the families. The kids are having a good time. They are dancing to the Irish music and running all over the place. How wonderful! Hey leprechaun, what are you throwing to the kids? “ “ I am throwing candy to them. “ “ Candy!? It looks like gold. It’s in a pot! Isn’t it supposed to be gold? Are you sure it’s candy? “ “ Yes.” “ Can we help you throw it out?” “ Freezy, we can’t. We have no arms.” “Oh yes, you are right! Well there is only one thing to do then...wish everybody a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Live large! Live Irish!

Old-Fashioned Soda BreadIngredients3 ¾ cups all-purpose flour¼ cup packed light brown sugar2 teapoons baking soda1 teaspoon kosher salt4 tablespoons butter, cubed1 tablespoon caraway seeds1 cup raisins1 ¼ cups buttermilk, plus 1 to 2 tablespoons for the toppingDirectionsPreheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Arrange the oven racks to the middle row. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Add the flour, sugar, baking soda and salt to a large bowl and wisk to blend. Toss in the butter and cut in

In Memorial to FredFred was our 10.5 year old orange tabby cat whom we all loved. When my daughter adopted him from the ASPCA, he was about three years old and had about three previous homes. She promised him a forever home and we all delivered. Fred died of LGL (Large Cell Granular Lymphoma) on 01/13/2017. He had given his all to fight his disease; it was his second round of cancer. He definitely was a fighter!Fred loved to be around people and sleeping under the covers with us. We don’t know

Well, I made it to the bakery in great time. The bakery is located on the corner of West Main Street and Pine Street, which is a very busy intersection and great for their business. As usual, the door is sticking today; it has been sticking for 20 years. “Aunt Ann! How are you?” Aunt Ann replied, “Very well and you?” I said, “Oh, I am well. I am just making my way home from Mr. B’s. On my way to Mr. B’s, I ran into Bill at the piano store. The store was hosting the Ladies of Treeville

It’s starting to get a bit colder out than when I went into Mr. B’s. The little bit of sun we have now is getting ready to retire for the evening. I am so glad I bought socks today; I think I will need them sooner rather than later if the weather stays chilly. I love going to Mr. B’s. The store has the most interesting sales. I have some time to go to the bakery if I hurry, but I will stand on the steps of Mr. B’s and take a moment to take in my surroundings. The township has decorated the

It’s cold and damp out today just like an early October day could be. The leaves are beginning to turn different colors and even though it is a bit raw out, it is a good day for a walk to get some exercise. There is nothing like the dark crimson leaves against the backdrop of the mountains and the smell of autumn in the air. I decided to go into town to go to Mr. B’s department store. I figure it is a good day to do some shopping. The ten minute walk to Mr. B’s is very relaxing. I smell